Every Christmas, you face the same issue…
There’s someone you really want to show that you love them by getting them a gift for Christmas, but they have all they need.
You don’t want to get them a hot chocolate mix mug set or another candle and bath salt set again.
This Christmas, let them receive a Christmas card that shows that a desperate family’s year was changed
because you donated one of these special items in their honor.
There’s someone you really want to show that you love them by getting them a gift for Christmas, but they have all they need.
You don’t want to get them a hot chocolate mix mug set or another candle and bath salt set again.
This Christmas, let them receive a Christmas card that shows that a desperate family’s year was changed
because you donated one of these special items in their honor.
How to orderOrdering and item is simple.
Step 1: Email [email protected] Step 2: Subject line: Christmas Book Step 3: In the body of the email, let us know which item name, item number and what quantity you would like to donate. Step 4: Within 24 hours you'll receive a link to follow on which to donate securely, as well as instructions on how to give by check if you prefer that. It will also ask you for the person you’d like to donate in honor of, and their mailing address. |
then what?After your order is complete,
Step 1: The Benjamin House team gets hard to work arranging for the purchase and delivery of the gift. Please also know, each of these gifts will be given within the context of the Gospel. This is not just a nice gesture, but will come with the gift of truth as well. Step 2: At some point between now and Christmas Day, whoever you chose to give in honor of will receive a Christmas Card from us telling them that you have donated this item in their honor! (Or you will receive the card to hand deliver yourself if you prefer that) Step 3: Within a few months, you’ll receive a picture of your gift being delivered to the family that you can share with the person you’re giving in honor of. |