This is more than a dream. This chance to save the lives of children in Uganda doesn’t depend on the giftedness of missionaries, the board of directors or a talented staff of volunteers. Saving these children will depend on a community of people investing their lives in this endeavor because they have a heart to see these children lifted out of poverty and into the hope found in Christ. We want to include everyone to participate in a meaningful, thoughtful and substantial way in order to see this dream become a reality. Your response to this life-changing opportunity is where the dreams of Ugandan orphans become reality.
Benjamin House is a registered 501c-3 charitable organization. All charitable contributions are tax deductible. You will receive a statement at the beginning of each year to use for tax purposes. |
GIVE ONLINE NOWGiving online is quick and easy. Simply follow the link below to set up your account and give quickly and securely. You may give a one-time donation, or you may choose to give monthly by selecting the option that says, "Show my support by making this gift recurring." Our giving platform is called Bloomerang. When you click below, you'll be taken to the secure Bloomerang site to complete your gift.
GIVE BY CHECKGiving by check is easy, and is actually the best way for all of your donation to get to Benjamin House and not have to have 3-5% taken out for credit card processing fees.
Simply make the check to BENJAMIN HOUSE MINISTRIES and mail to: PO BOX 21, MOORE, SC 29369 |
Another great way to be a part of extending the ministry of Benjamin House long into the future is by giving a legacy gift. A legacy gift can be a gift of land, stock, or a willed portion of inheritance. If you would like to sit down with one of our team members to discuss this option, please click below.